cultures and communication meaning in English
- Mainly engaging in research culture and communication of calligraphy and painting
主要从事书画研究与交流工作。 - Lying in the same continuum , language , culture and communication cannot be separated from one another
语言是交际的符号,语言与文化密不可分。语言文化与交际是一个不可分割的统一体。 - According to the requirements of the company strategy , a series of ideal competencies , namely competencies model is formed and as the bases for hr planning , personnel recruitment , training and development , rewarding policy , performance management , culture and communication strategy etc . competencies model should be well defined , evaluated and differentiated according to each enterprise ' s characteristics
企业根据自己的战略需要制定出一系列适合本企业发展的理想的能力状况,并以此作为人力资源规划、人才招募与选拔、员工培训与发展、薪酬与奖励政策、绩效管理及企业文化与沟通战略的依据,这就是对企业战略至关重要的“能力模型” 。